Description: The Twin Knights by Osamu Tezuka is a captivating English manga published by Vertical. This graphic novel, part of the Princess Knight universe, follows the adventures of the characters in Dragonar Academy. With a grade of 7.0 Fine/Very Fine by Certified Guaranty Company (CGC), this trade paperback is a must-have for manga collectors and fans of Tezuka's work from the Modern Age era. Add this vintage publication from 2005 to your collection of single volumes and immerse yourself in the artistry and storytelling of a true artist and writer in the manga tradition.
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Item Specifics
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Artist/Writer: Osamu Tezuka
Character: n/a
Tradition: Manga
Cover Artist: n/a
Certification Number: n/a
Series Title: The Twin Knights
Universe: Princess Knight
Title: Dragonar Academy
Grade: 7.0 Fine/Very Fine
Publisher: Vertical
Vintage: No
Publication Year: 2005
Type: Graphic Novel
Format: Trade Paperback
Issue Number: 3
Language: English
Era: Modern Age (1992-Now)
Professional Grader: Certified Guaranty Company (CGC)