Description: You are purchasing the exact item shown. See photos for condition. This is a replica helmet that looks like the real 2-bar suspension helmets worn in the AFL and NFL in the past. It is full size and comes with a chinstrap. The helmet appears to have been used/worn by someone, probably a kid. But as the warning label states - do not use this helmet, it is for display only and was never meant to be worn or used in any manner. This helmet would fill a hole in a collection as the original helmets rarely, if ever, come up for sale and they cost big dollars. It's getting hard to even find these excellent made replicas. I accept PayPal for payment and will ship within 2 days of payment to the PayPal address on file only (excluding weekends and holidays). I will leave positive feedback upon shipment. I will use USPS or UPS at my discretion to ship this lot unless you specify a difference. I ship to the Lower 48 Continental US only. No international shipping. I charge a fixed rate which is often less than the actual cost when you factor in gas, time, wrap, tape, boxes, etc but I cover any difference. I will combine shipping when possible as my goal is not to profit from shipping. All of my items are sold AS-IS for display purposes only. You must be 18 to bid or purchase.
Price: 365 USD
Location: Somewhere, Texas
End Time: 2024-08-06T20:44:15.000Z
Shipping Cost: 14.75 USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Brand: Riddell
League: National Football League (NFL)
Sport: Football
Pre & Post Season: Regular Season
Color: Blue
Product: Helmet
Team: Houston Oilers
Gender: Unisex Adult