Description: BURNS AND ALLENThis collection of "Burns & Allen" radio programs features 228 shows on 1 DVD. Each episode is presented in the .mp3 format. There are over 100 hours of entertaining "Burns & Allen" episodes. The DVD is labeled and provided in a highly protective jewel case. A list of the programs on the disc as well as the date the program originally aired (if known) is also provided. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR EQUIPMENT WILL PLAY MP3 FORMATTED FILES BEFORE PURCHASING THIS ITEM. IT IS ULTIMATELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER TO ENSURE THAT HIS OR HER EQUIPMENT IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE MP3 FORMAT. A note concerning sound quality. The sound quality for the shows in this collection is very good to good. It is difficult to find perfect recordings from the golden age of radio due to the equipment used for recording and the fact that many of the recordings were made 60, 70 or even 80 years ago.Episode Listing for the "Burns and Allen" programs included in this collection: Burns & Allen - 340926 - Leaving for America Burns & Allen - 360115 - Gracie Plays Sadie Thompson Burns & Allen - 361125 - Landing of The Indians At Plymouth Rock Burns & Allen - 361202 - Gracie As A Dramatic Actress Burns & Allen - 361209 - Gracie Honors New Orleans Burns & Allen - 361216 - Poncho Villa Rides Again Burns & Allen - 361223 - Gracie's Christmas Carol Burns & Allen - 380000 - Gracie Reads Frank Parker's Telegram Burns & Allen - 380110 - Gracie's Murder Mystery Burns & Allen - 380117 - The Fantasy Of The City Burns & Allen - 381007 - Gracie Reads Frank Parker's Telegram Burns & Allen - 400228 - Gracie For President - Government Jobs Burns & Allen - 400306 - Gracie For President - Hats Off To Gracie Burns & Allen - 400313 - Gracie For President - Gracie's Triumphant Return Burns & Allen - 400327 - Gracie For President - Surprise Party Platform Burns & Allen - 400403 - Gracie For President - Till The Cows Come Home Burns & Allen - 400410 - Gracie For President - Gracie Wins Wisconsin Burns & Allen - 400417 - Gracie For President - All Promises Are Ficticious Burns & Allen - 400424 - Gracie For President - The Biggest In The World Burns & Allen - 400508 - Graice For President - Aunt Clara Kangaroo Burns & Allen - 400515 - Gracie For President - Rah Rah In Omaha Burns & Allen - 400522 - Gracie For President - George's Malady Burns & Allen - 400529 - Gracie For President - Sweeping Into Office Burns & Allen - 400708 - Grandfather's 92nd Birthday Plans Burns & Allen - 400729 - Kiddie Party Burns & Allen - 400805 - George Tries Out For A Movie Burns & Allen - 400812 - Gold Rush Gracia Burns & Allen - 400819 - George Late for Show Burns & Allen - 400826 - Elsie Trellafas Is Suing George Burns & Allen - 400902 - George Is On Trial Burns & Allen - 400909 - George Owes Money To The Phone Company Burns & Allen - 400916 - George Is Looking For A Guest Burns & Allen - 400923 - George Writes A Newspaper Column Burns & Allen - 400930 - George Is Kidnapped By A Gangster Burns & Allen - 401007 - George Disguises Himself As A Woman Burns & Allen - 401014 - What's Wrong With Gracie Burns & Allen - 401021 - Professor Thorndyke Studies Gracie Burns & Allen - 401028 - George Tires To Get Out Of Doing Broadcast Burns & Allen - 401104 - George Tries To Impress Fifi Burns & Allen - 401111 - Gracie Writes A Musical Burns & Allen - 401118 - Thanksgiving Show Burns & Allen - 401125 - Rehearsing Next Week's Show Burns & Allen - 401202 - Ther Sponsor Drops By Burns & Allen - 401209 - George Gets A Black Eye Burns & Allen - 401216 - Gracie Writes A Play Burns & Allen - 401223 - Christmas Show Burns & Allen - 410113 - Impressing Cobina Wright Burns & Allen - 410120 - Art Gallery Visit Burns & Allen - 410127 - George Plans To Recover A Mink Coat Burns & Allen - 410210 - Gracie Is Late for Show Burns & Allen - 410224 - Gracie Is Late For The Show Burns & Allen - 410317 - Gracie In The St. Patrick's Day Parade Burns & Allen - 411007 - Gracie Signs A Singer Contract Burns & Allen - 411021 - George Can't Get Insurance Burns & Allen - 411104 - Gracie For The Role Of Mrs. North Burns & Allen - 411118 - Gracie's Old Boyfriend Burns & Allen - 411125 - Gracie Buys a Live Turkey Burns & Allen - 411200 - Mailing A Christmas Package Burns & Allen - 411216 - Mailing a Christmas Package Burns & Allen - 411223 - Santa And The Wicked Witch Burns & Allen - 421006 - Married, But Single Burns & Allen - 421013 - Successful Marriage Manual Burns & Allen - 421020 - Pooling Resources For The War Effort Burns & Allen - 421027 - 99-Year Lease Burns & Allen - 421103 - The Man From MGM Burns & Allen - 421110 - Expecting A Baby Burns & Allen - 421117 - Gracie Buys A Live Turkey Burns & Allen - 421124 - Hit By A Club Burns & Allen - 421201 - Messy Mechanics Burns & Allen - 421208 - Being Neighborly Burns & Allen - 421215 - The Swami's Predictions Burns & Allen - 421222 - Santa And The Pirates Burns & Allen - 421229 - Gracie's Dating Service Burns & Allen - 430105 - Dr. Jekyll And Mr Burns Burns & Allen - 430119 - Making George Jealous Burns & Allen - 430126 - King George Burns & Allen - 430202 - Good Help Is Hard To Find Burns & Allen - 430209 - Cast Your Ballot Burns & Allen - 430216 - Beauty Mask Burns & Allen - 430223 - Huckleberry Bucket Burns & Allen - 430302 - Playing Carnegie Hall (Part 01) Burns & Allen - 430309 - Playing Carnegie Hall (Part 02) Burns & Allen - 430323 - Making George Sick Burns & Allen - 430330 - Victory Garden Burns & Allen - 430406 - Big Jake Burns & Allen - 430413 - Claudette Colbert Burns & Allen - 430420 - Gracie Wants a New Easter Outfit Burns & Allen - 430525 - George Runs For The School Board Burns & Allen - 430601 - Gracie Appears In Traffic Court Burns & Allen - 430608 - Gracie & Tootsie Work For Millionaire Playboy Burns & Allen - 430831 - Guest Frank Sinatra Burns & Allen - 430907 - George The Lady Killer Burns & Allen - 430914 - Upstairs Greek Art Theater Burns & Allen - 430921 - Guest Ray Milland Burns & Allen - 431005 - Cowboy Love Tales Burns & Allen - 431012 - Eddie Cantor Stays For Dinner Burns & Allen - 431015 - The Wrecked Car (AFRS) Burns & Allen - 431019 - Guest Pat O'Brien Burns & Allen - 431102 - Gracie Wants George To Sing On The Jack Benny Show Burns & Allen - 431109 - George Is To Sing On The Jack Benny Show Burns & Allen - 431221 - George Is Playing Santa Claus Burns & Allen - 431228 - George Writes John Garfield A Bad Check Burns & Allen - 440000 - George The Plumber (AFRS) Burns & Allen - 440000 - George Wants To Buy Burns & Allen - 440118 - Gracie Teaches Culture To William Bendix Burns & Allen - 440201 - William Powell Burns & Allen - 440215 - Tap Dancing In The Office Above Bothers George Burns & Allen - 440321 - Keeping Rta Company - Guest Rita Hayworth Burns & Allen - 440509 - George's Door-To-Door And Radio Campaign Burns & Allen - 440516 - George Tries To Sing His Way Into Office Burns & Allen - 440606 - George Is A Failure As A Singer Burns & Allen - 440613 - Kansas City War Bond Drive With Dinah Shore Burns & Allen - 440829 - No Money For Auction Burns & Allen - 440926 - George The Plumber Burns & Allen - 441010 - Bill's Girl Is A Golddigger Burns & Allen - 441017 - The Wrecked Car Concerto for Index Finger Burns & Allen - 441031 - George Is Better Burns & Allen - 441114 - George Sings At A Bond Rally In Boston Burns & Allen - 441121 - Hotel Room Shortage (AFRS) Burns & Allen - 441212 - War Bond Show Burns & Allen - 450000 - Gracie Pretends To Be Bill's Wife Burns & Allen - 450115 - Gracie's Obsession With Alan Ladd Burns & Allen - 450122 - BHU Society Finishing School Burns & Allen - 450129 - Gracie Wants a Vacation from George Burns & Allen - 450402 - George Goes Rabbit Hunting Burns & Allen - 450618 - George Needs A New Image Burns & Allen - 450625 - George Prepares To Entertain The Eastern Troops Burns & Allen - 450920 - New House - First for Maxwell House Burns & Allen - 451004 - Dating Advice Burns & Allen - 451018 - Meredith Wants To Get Married Burns & Allen - 451101 - Competition For A Part In A Movie Burns & Allen - 451108 - George Lands A Movie Part As A Wolf Burns & Allen - 451122 - George Inherits Five-Thousand Dollars Burns & Allen - 451129 - George And Jack Benny Go To College Together Burns & Allen - 460103 - Taking In A Veteran Burns & Allen - 460110 - The Bevery Hills Uplifters Club Meets At Gracie's House Burns & Allen - 460117 - More Of The Beverly Hills Uplifters Club Burns & Allen - 460124 - Meredith Wilson Has Got To Go Burns & Allen - 460207 - Marriage Contest Burns & Allen - 460221 - George's Job In Washington Burns & Allen - 460314 - Gracie Starts A Matrimonial Bureau Burns & Allen - 460404 - George Is Upset About Gracie's Lying Burns & Allen - 460411 - Gracie Joins A Literary Club Burns & Allen - 460425 - Guest Sydney Strotz Burns & Allen - 460425 - The Beverly Hills Uplifters Club Returns Burns & Allen - 460502 - Gracie Puts On A Play With Charles Boyer - 1 HR Special Burns & Allen - 460509 - Gracie Hires A Snooper Reporter Burns & Allen - 460530 - Gracie Covers The Louis vs. Conn Fight Burns & Allen - 460905 - George's Allergies Burns & Allen - 460912 - Gracie Against Crime Burns & Allen - 460919 - It's George's Birthday (And Only Gracie Remembers) Burns & Allen - 460926 - Kay Kysar's College Of Musical Knowledge Burns & Allen - 461003 - Eddie Cantor Is Surrounded By Women Burns & Allen - 461017 - Gracie Wants George To Talk To Her About The News Burns & Allen - 461024 - Gracie Wants George To Replace Clark Gable Burns & Allen - 461031 - The Acting Contest Burns & Allen - 461107 - Getting Frank Sinatra To Leave Town Burns & Allen - 461114 - Phil Baker Is Looking For An Apartment Burns & Allen - 461226 - Smoking Jacket And Erector Set Burns & Allen - 470102 - Wives On Strike Burns & Allen - 470220 - Fifteenth Aniversary Show Burns & Allen - 470227 - Gracie Runs The House Like A Business Burns & Allen - 470306 - Gracie Takes Up Crime Solving Burns & Allen - 470313 - Kill The Rat Burns & Allen - 470320 - Crime Wave Burns & Allen - 470515 - Gracie Treats George Like A King Burns & Allen - 470522 - BHU Society Wants New Hats Burns & Allen - 470529 - Vacation Plans - Guest Frances Langford Burns & Allen - 470925 - Gracie Finances A Play Burns & Allen - 471106 - The Hog Bar-B-Cue Burns & Allen - 471113 - Cary Grant And The Uplifters Burns & Allen - 471120 - The Royal Wedding And The Poker Game Burns & Allen - 471127 - Thanksgiving Program Burns & Allen - 471204 - Talking Bing Crosby Into Retiring Burns & Allen - 471218 - George Gets Gracie A Christmas Gift Burns & Allen - 480108 - George And Jack As Gypsies Burns & Allen - 480115 - Gracie Does The Income Tax Burns & Allen - 480122 - An Old Friend Visits (And Ignores) George Burns & Allen - 480205 - Hunting Rabbits For A Fur Coat Burns & Allen - 480212 - Babysitting For Kay Kyser Burns & Allen - 480219 - George Is Losing His Hair Burns & Allen - 480226 - Gracie Goes To New Orleans Burns & Allen - 480325 - The Easter Outfit Burns & Allen - 480415 - Gracie Conspires To Buy George A TV Set Burns & Allen - 480422 - Joe Bagley Makes Gracie Mad At George Burns & Allen - 480429 - The 1918 Stutz Bearcat Burns & Allen - 480513 - Gracie Can Say No To Door-To-Door Salemen Burns & Allen - 480520 - Gracie's Mother Doubts George's Ability To Earn A Living Burns & Allen - 480527 - Spiritualism Burns & Allen - 480930 - The New Neighbors Burns & Allen - 481007 - George and Gracie - Cleptomanicacs Burns & Allen - 481028 - Gracie Wants Money For A New Dress Burns & Allen - 481111 - 15th Wedding Anniversary Burns & Allen - 481118 - Who's The Boss Burns & Allen - 481125 - The Lost Wedding Ring (Thanksgiving Program) Burns & Allen - 490106 - Being Like Gregory Peck Burns & Allen - 490120 - Cesar Romero vs. Bill Meredith Burns & Allen - 490127 - A Movie Of George Proposing Burns & Allen - 490210 - George And Sam Spade Are In Jail Burns & Allen - 490217 - New Neighbors, The Masons, Move In Burns & Allen - 490224 - George Should Be A Doctor Burns & Allen - 490303 - Gracie's Poor Dancing Burns & Allen - 490310 - Gracie, The Girl Scout Leader Burns & Allen - 490317 - George Is Sick With A Cold Burns & Allen - 490324 - Jane Wyman Needs Reassurance About Academy Awards Burns & Allen - 490331 - Turning Jack Benny Into A Big Spender Burns & Allen - 490407 - Replacing Robert Montgomery Burns & Allen - 490421 - Eddie Cantor Is Working Too Hard Burns & Allen - 490428 - The Baking Contest Burns & Allen - 490505 - Is There A Place On TV For The Burns' Burns & Allen - 490512 - Worried About TV Burns & Allen - 490519 - Adopting Mickey Rooney Burns & Allen - 490602 - Gracie The Magician Burns & Allen - 490616 - Teenage Girl In Love With Rudy Valle Burns & Allen - 490623 - Preparing For A Trip To England Burns & Allen - 490928 - Courting Gracie Again Burns & Allen - 500104 - Gracie Wants To Be A Suffering Artist Burns & Allen - 500111 - Helping A Friend's Daughter Burns & Allen - 500118 - Gracie Resolves To Stop Worrying Burns & Allen - 500125 - Friars Club Dinner Speech Honoring Ronald Reagan Burns & Allen - 500201 - Al Jolson's Vigorous Lifestyle Burns & Allen - 500208 - Gracie's Dented Fender Burns & Allen - 500215 - Starring In Dulcy Burns & Allen - 500222 - Going To The Races Burns & Allen - 500301 - Preparing The Income Taxes Burns & Allen - 500308 - Income Tax Problems Burns & Allen - 500315 - H & R Blockhead Burns & Allen Extra - 100 Years - 100 Stories IMPORTANT NOTE!: The DVD presented for sale contains radio programs recorded and preserved in the MP3 audio format. The MP3 format allows for audio compression and can allow the storage of over 400 hours of audio per DVD. The MP3 format is compatible with many newer DVD and MP3 players. The MP3 format is also playable on Windows based computers with DVD drives using Real Player, Windows Media Player or other players. Attention EBay: After a careful search of the Library of Congress and the United States Trademark and Patent Office, it has been determined that the programs listed for sale here are in the Public Domain. They are being offered with the understanding that no valid or active copyright, trademark, and/or patent exist for them. These recordings are sold for private home listening and use only. No broadcast rights are stated, implied, or given. Historical Media assumes no responsibility for unauthorized use of these programs. The Library Of Congress has ruled that old radio broadcasts are within the Public Domain, since they were not qualified for copyright protection when presented, nor was any attempt to place them under such copyright protection when the opportunity existed in 1978-1979 when the copyright law regarding these programs was revised. Radio shows created before January 1, 1978 are protected by the Copyright Act of 1909. These shows are listed in accordance with current EBay policies concerning selling Old Time Radio Public Domain materials. At Historical Media, we have THOUSANDS of photographic images available for purchase from the world of Hollywood, NASA, politics, sports, etc. We also have a huge collection of Old Time Radio shows for purchase! Please visit the Historical Media store on eBay to see our complete selection! PAYMENT POLICY eBay Payments is the only form of payment accepted. Per guidelines for eBay Guaranteed Delivery, immediate payment is required. Item will be shipped within 24 hours of receiving full payment. SHIPPING POLICY We proudly offer FREE SHIPPING to all United States addresses! We offer international shipping to select countries through the eBay Global Shipping Program. There is an additional fee for international shipping. Shipments will be made to eBay Payments confirmed addresses only. Items will be shipped via U.S.P.S. Ground Advantage within 24 hours of receiving full payment. RETURN POLICY Historical Media strives for your total satisfaction! All of our products feature a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are unhappy with your purchase for ANY reason your money will be refunded - NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Items may be returned within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. Buyer must pay return shipping. Copyright Information: This item is sold as a collectible from one collector to another with no rights given or implied. We use a wide variety of sources for our items and never knowingly list infringing items. It is our belief that the item is in the public domain and does not infringe on copyright. If you do believe that this item is in violation of your owned copyright, and you are indeed the OWNER of the copyright, we ask that you please contact us at historicalmediallc(at) and we will remove it and refrain from future listings of this item. Thank you. WHO ARE WE? We're Historical Media and we LOVE history! With items from Old Time Radio, Classic Hollywood Photographs, Historical Images, Campy films from the early 20th Century and even some NASA history in between, Historical Media provides unique products capturing memories from the past. We have a wide selection of unique items: NASA SPACE PHOTOS - We have the LARGEST collection of NASA photos on eBay! CLASSIC ENTERTAINMENT PHOTOS - Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, Shirley Temple, Mickey Rooney and many, many more! HISTORICAL PHOTOS - We have hundreds of photos allowing you to relive some of the most exciting, compelling and tragic moments in history. OLD TIME RADIO SHOWS - We have great shows from the days when radio was king: Gunsmoke, Dragnet, The Shadow, Fibber McGee and Molly, Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, Suspense and many, many more! Our Old Time Radio shows are offered in .mp3 format making them affordable to purchase and easy to play on your computer or compatible CD/music player. NASA AUDIO - From the thrilling days of the great space race between the United States and the Soviet Union; audio from every manned Apollo mission! AUDIO/VIDEO DOCUMENTARIES - Relive some of the most inspiring and shocking times in American history And many, many more! Your complete satisfaction is the ULTIMATE goal. We truly want you to be completely satisfied with each and every purchase. If we can answer any questions, or help you in any way, please contact us. Peruse our wide selection of unique items! 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Price: 12.2 USD
Location: Cordova, Tennessee
End Time: 2024-12-28T00:16:38.000Z
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All returns accepted: Returns Accepted
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Book Title: Old Time Radio
Narrative Type: Fiction
Narrator: Various
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Topic: Old Time Radio, Various
Format: DVD
Type: Old Time Radio
Author: Old Time Radio
Publication Year: 2021
Language: English
Length: Unabridged
Intended Audience: Adults
Country of Manufacture: United States
Subject: Old Time Radio
Publisher: n/a
Run Time: Various
Genre: Old Time Radio