Description: Yes we combine shipping for multiple purchases.Add multiple items to your cart and the combined shipping total will automatically be calculated. 1978 September 4 Time Magazine Pope John Paul I The Dollar Black Holes 60Cover: With startlingspeed. 111 Cardinalsassembled in the Sis-tine Chapel choose anew Supreme Pontiffof the Roman Catho-lic Church: AlbinoCardinal Luciani ofVenice. ► A look atPope John Paul I. SeeReligion10Nation: The Cartersride a raft in the Rock-ies. ► As the shakydollar entices touriststo the U.S. and appallsAmericans abroad,the Administrationmoves to check theslide. ► A Texas mil-lionaire is chargedwith plotting murder.50Black Holes: Swal-lowing everythingthey encounter, theyare rips in the fabricof space and time.They are called sim-ply “black holes,” butthey are much more.They could be the keyto the universe's se-crets. See Science.22WorldNicaraguan rebelsliberate their friends—and some loot.► The further travelsof China's ChairmanHua. ► An oasis ofpeace in NorthernIreland's “New Jeru-salem.” ► Mullahsand modernists clashafter Iran's tragic fire.► Kenya s founderJomo Kenyatta dies.► Exclusive picturesof life in Viet Nam.34PressAs New York City'snewspaper strike en-ters its third week,three new dailies areborn and an old unionfights for its life.71LawGroup legal insuranceplans provide low-cost coverage formany Americans.The implications areenormous.38Economy & BusinessU.S. labor unionsmust lure new mem-bers or declinefurther. ► Pan Am of-fers to buy NationalAirlines.72Show Business/TVThomas Hardy'sMayor of Caster-bridge is finely craftedfor TV. ► Lassie’sback with a tenthfilm.44EnergyAlaskan oil will final-ly flow from the WestCoast to the heartlandnow that Sohio willbuy a S78 millionscrubber.74BooksArthur SchlesingerJr. finds gold in thelegacy of Robert Ken-nedy's life and maliceand stupidity in hisopponents.47SportHumiliated at theMontreal Olympics,U.S. girl swimmersdunk their East Ger-man rivalsand lookahead to Moscow.80MusicThe first two operaversions of The Duch-ess of Malfi offer con-trasting styles: mod-ern dissonant andPuccini romantic.48LivingBoston has recycledits majestic old mar-ket buildingsandmade them the excit-ing new hub of inner-city life.4 Letters6 American Scene37 Education67 People71 Milestones And much more! 14933